
14 years Go Ahead! That’s our story.


14 years Go Ahead!
That’s our story.

Our Go Ahead! story begins in 2005 in South Africa. Six young adults from Germany were doing voluntary service at the orphanage “God’s Golden Acre” (GGA) in the KwaZulu-Natal region. During their stay in South Africa, they were confronted with extreme material poverty and the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the region. At first, it seemed almost impossible for them to influence this situation themselves.

This impression changed, however, when the six of them jointly organized a three-week tour through Germany and the Netherlands by the South African artist group Young Zulu Warriors. A considerable amount of donations was collected in the process. With the donations, they helped their partner in South Africa to finance the school fees for the entire year 2007. For all the children of the orphanage.

An idea takes shape

With the tailwind of the successful “Young Zulu Warriors” tour, this thought formed: We will found our own association!
With the help of numerous supporters and professional mentors, the idea began to take shape. On May 26, 2007, the time had finally come: Go Ahead! was founded.

Since then, the founders’ idea has been carried forward and has developed: People in Germany become active and contribute their skills and commitment to facilitate access to education for children and young people in Zambia, Uganda and South Africa. In this way, we are contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4:
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Read more: Mission & Werte


Go Ahead! e.V.
Albblickweg 5
78126 Königsfeld

Phone: +49 (0)7725 9 15 58 85
email: info@goahead-organisation.de

IBAN DE87694900000006662412

Our mision

People in Germany volunteer to help young people in sub-Saharan Africa: That is Go Ahead! We use the energy, the enthusiasm and the will of committed people to give children and young people in South Africa, Uganda and Zambia sustainable prospects by supporting educational initiatives.


© 2023 Go Ahead! e.V.